CSR Strategy

Corporate social responsibility strategy development

Addressing Four Key Challenges of the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry

Management and co-direction of an industry-academic joint programme analysing the social, environmental and economic impacts of options for decommissioning of offshore platforms, operational energy use, produced water, and the industry's social legacy in its main employment centres

Sustainability Strategy for the UK Oil and Gas sector

With industry team input, documenting current impacts and setting up a forward looking plan with targets and indicators, agreed by the full range of operating companies in discussion with regulators. This became a pioneer within such sectoral strategies in UK, and an exercise which continues to be repeated and published annually.

BP Legacy in Scotland

Examined current and future legacy by analysing projected 30 years scenarios under differing assumptions – covering oil and gas production, chemicals and retail - including the societal contribution of each especially with respect to employment and environment / climate change impacts